From LoGOs Energía, we want to explain to you these updates and help you understand how the new 2.0 TD tariffs will work.
What are the new 2.0TD tariffs?
From June 2021, the 2.0 A and 2.1 A tariffs (which have the same power and energy throughout the day); the 2.0 DHA and 2.1 DHA tariffs (which have two time discriminating periods), and the 2.0 DHS and 2.1 DHS (which have three time discriminating periods) will become one single tariff which will be called 2.0 TD
This basically means that, from June, with the electricity 2.0 TD tariffs:
- Two power periods and three energy periods are established.
- Power can be contracted depending on time slots.
- The time discriminating periods will change.
What impact do the new 2.0TD tariffs have on my electricity bill?
In terms of the bill, the lower the contracted power is, the lower the fixed cost will be, so you can opt for contracting a lower power during the low consumption periods of the day. You will also be able to choose to maintain the same power throughout the day.
Which are the cheapest time periods in terms of energy?
With three new electricity tariffs, the current time discrimination is eliminated. All of the 2.0TD tariffs will have three different periods in terms of energy, in other words, what customers pay for their kW/h consumption. These periods are called peak period, mid-peak period and off-peak period:
- Peak period: from 10:00h to 14:00h and from 18:00h to 22:00h (the most expensive hours)
- Mid-peak: from 8:00h to 10:00h, from 14:00h to 18:00h, and from 22:00h to 00:00h (prices in this period are intermediate)
- Off-peak period: from 00:00h to 8:00h (this period has the cheapest prices)
Which are the cheapest time periods in terms of power?
Power periods:
- Peak period: from 8:00h to 00:00h .
- Low period: from 00:00h to 8:00h, weekends and holidays.
Can I contract two different powers with the new 2.0TD tariffs?
With the new 2.0TD tariffs, you have the option of contracting two different electricity powers, unlike the current 2.0 and 2.1 tariffs, with which there is only one power period with the same price throughout the day.
This means that it will be possible to choose an electricity power for the peak periods and a different one for the off-peak periods depending on your consumption habits. This way, we will be able to concentrate the use of domestic appliances and electronic devices in a specific period so as to avoid exceeding the contracted power and having a power overload.