LoGOS Energía signs an agreement with POWEN to encourage self-consumption in Spain.

The energy marketer joins POWEN, the company specialised in photovoltaic installations, for the selling of self-consumption solutions countrywide.

LoGOs Energía has recently signed an agreement with POWEN, a company that is specialised in photovoltaic installations, for the energy marketer to sell self-consumption solutions countrywide. The goal for both of the companies is “to bring solar energy to households and companies to help then save through solar plates for self-consumption”.

The signing of the agreement was announced at the official presentation of LoGOs Energía last Friday, July 8th, in Alicante. As the CEO of the energy marketer, José Francisco González Panyo, pointed out “it is a significant commitment to green and renewable energy, which shows the firm commitment of LoGOS Energía to sustainability, energy efficiency and the respect of the environment”.

POWEN’s general manager, Remigio Abad, was also present at the event and he explained that “electric self-consumption is a true revolution thanks to the energy and economic savings that solar energy brings. The cost of the photovoltaic installation and of the solar plates is recovered within a few years”. In addition, he expressed that “it is mandatory for the society to take advantage of a clean and inexhaustible energy source such as the sun, because just one day of solar light provides as much energy as the energy that is consumed worldwide in a year”.

In addition, Ana López, sales manager at LoGOs Energía and Ángel López, energy efficiency manager, that were present at the announcement, concur with the fact that the agreement between LoGOS energía and POWEN means “an important step” for the expansion of the energy marketer countywide and “a great future prospect” through intelligent energy.

Presentation of LoGOs Energía

About LoGOs Energía

LoGOs Energía was born in early 2020 and, despite the uncertainty caused by Covid-19 crisis, it keeps growing. It offers 360º energy solutions to both individuals and companies based on technological development and by optimising all the available resources with an energy model that is linked to innovation.

The energy marketer provides counsel about the most correct tariffs for each client, depending on their consumption habits, designs customised tariffs, offers the possibility of contracting online, and has a maintenance service.

Presentation of LoGOs Energía


POWEN is a company specialised in photovoltaic solar energy for the clients that want an energy alternative based on savings, the respect of the environment, and an intelligent use of energy.

Nowadays, it is possible to generate energy autonomously on the roof or facilities of a company, watering the harvests without damaging the ecosystem or driving vehicles without depending on oil. It isn't the energy model of the future, it is a revolution that has already started and that POWEN strongly defends.

POWEN wants to be the motor of change, promoting a new model, a more updated one that keeps up with the available technologies and the pace of society. We believe that it is possible to have an energy model in which everyone is aware of its impact, and we know that customers have the possibility of choosing the energy they want to consume and the way in which they want to do it.

The company helps the residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural sectors save on their monthly bills with liberty and autonomy through the interaction with energy.

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